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10000 архитекторов мира (версия для печати)

10,000 Architects Exhibition has started accepting applications and at the same time, its website based exhibition has opened. Any architect in the world can join this exhibition for free and anybody can visit there anytime, anywhere. Soon After sending your project online, it will be put on the website exhibition.
This exhibition is one of the major events related to UIA2011 TOKYO aiming to deepen the mutual understanding of different cultures among the countries reflecting upon architecture and also promote architecture in the wider society.

As an option, during UIA2011 TOKYO scheduled in September 2011, the panel exhibition will take place based on the website exhibition in various part of Tokyo including the main venue, Tokyo International Forum. You can also join the panel exhibition with a participation fee.



Электронная экспозиция









 Электронное коммюнике Международного союза архитекторов (МСА) от 17.01.2011.

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