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Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Awards (версия для печати)

The Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Awards are the world's most popular and prestigious awards for young architects, giving emerging practices invaluable impetus on their trajectory to wider stardom.

ENTER TODAY and start your journey to wider recognition and success.

The awards celebrate excellence in completed work with a prize fund of £10,000. Have your work assessed by a distinguished international jury chaired by AR Editor Catherine Slessor. This year's jury includes:

Steven Holl (USA) Will Alsop (UK)
Hilde Daem(Belgium) Li Xiaodong (China)

The winner and all highly commended projects will be published in a special edition of the Architectural Review, and the winner will become part of the lineage of pioneering emerging architects who have previously won the award. These past winners include Sou Fujimoto (Japan), Thomas Heatherwick (UK), Sean Godsell (Australia), Jurgen Mayer H. (Germany) and Li Xiaodong (China).

Entries can be made across a very broad spectrum of design: for example buildings, interiors, landscape and urban projects, furniture and product designs are all eligible. Projects must be realised and entrants must be under 45.

For more information please visit the website.
Entry deadline: 29 August 2014

Quote priority CAM-1002123 when entering

Need help with your entry?
Contact Francesca Verdusco on +44 (0)20 3033 2660 or email francesca.verdusco@emap.com.

We look forward to seeing your entries and wish you the best of luck.


Catherine Slessor
The Architectural Review

Observation Tower, Germany
by Birk Helmeyer & Frenzel Architekten
Health Sciences Faculty, San Jorge University, Zaragoza
by Taller Basico De Arquitectura

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